For Your Free Time

Intention Setting for the New Year

Intention setting at Getaway

The last week of the year is prime time for reflection and intention setting for the year to come. Maybe 2018 was a great year for you, maybe it was one filled with challenges. No matter the circumstance, a new year marks a time to set some new goals, boundaries, and desires.

There’s no right way to set a New Year’s resolution, but we have a few tips that might get you thinking in the new year way. Let’s get started.

Intention Setting Tip 1: Reflect first, act second

Take a look at the last year and see what really worked for you. Take a moment to applaud yourself for the things that you’re doing well, and then think on areas that you’d like to improve. It’s often hard to take the time to do this with myriad distractions in our day-to-day lives, so our two cents is to take a break from technology for a few hours or an afternoon and have a deep think on what’s important to you. It’s easy to get caught up in notifications or other people’s social media expectations, so try to remove yourself from that and truly reflect. By making that space, you’ll be in better shape to recognize what’s important to you in the year ahead.

Intention Setting Tip 2: Schedule personal time

Make time for yourself, whether that’s a 10 minute meditation, taking 30 minutes to read a good book, an hour for a run, or an afternoon for journaling. Time is so limited and it can often feel selfish to block out time on your calendar for yourself, especially when so many things need to get done. But by taking time for yourself, you’re setting yourself up to be better when those duties call, for any social obligations that may arise.

Intention setting at Getaway

Intention Setting Tip 3: Get outside

There are proven benefits to being in nature, whether that’s a quiet walk around your local park or an escape to the woods. Simple activities like watching the waves crash to the shore or walking over rustling leaves allow our minds to think more clearly, and act as a natural rejuvenation. It’s worthwhile to get outdoors year-round, but particularly at those moments when you need clarity, crave relaxation, and want to think your best. Our favorite way to do this, of course, is at Getaway, a simple escape to a tiny cabin nestled in the woods with everything you need and nothing you don’t.

Cheers to a wonderful 2019 ahead.