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Featured Guests: Faith and Ricky

Earlier this year we hosted Faith and her boyfriend Ricky at Getaway Shenandoah outside of DC where they disconnect from technology and reconnected to nature. Read on to hear more about their experience.

We stayed in the Shenandoah location and the ride to and from was beautiful. Being able to wake up and watch the sunrise, the trees and the mountains in the distance was surreal. We didn’t want to leave. We really just got to enjoy one another during this trip; talk, journal, and unplug from our hectic lives and connect to one another.

For anyone considering going on a Getaway, I’d definitely recommend them to GO. Bring games, couples games (maybe conversation starter cards), and be prepared to fully immerse yourself in time with your partner. This gave us the confirmation that we truly just enjoy one another without all the added distractions. This was a trip that we truly want to experience every year from now on. 

Ready for your own romantic escape? Book your next Getaway today.