Artist Fellowship | Features

Meet an Artist Fellow: Musician, Aaron Clafton

Last month we hosted musician and Artist Fellow, Aaron Clafton at Getaway Dale Hollow outside of Nashville with a few of his friends to reconnect with them and his love of music. Here’s what he had to say about his music, his escape to nature, and his creative process.

I grew up in central Minnesota and had always been drawn to music. I remember singing along to songs on the radio and making up silly songs when I was really young. I always have loved country music and when I was 13 I asked for a black acoustic guitar so I could be like Johnny Cash. That guitar lead me to start writing songs on paper and playing talent shows in my hometown. After I graduated from college I made the move to Nashville, where I began co-writing, playing shows and releasing my original music. 

My family has a cabin in Northern Minnesota called Camp KMAC and we would spend a ton of time there when I was younger. Now that I’m in Nashville I don’t get to spend as much time there so whenever I’m able to get away to the woods or get on the water, it takes me back there. I think country music is all about painting a picture so when I’m able to put my phone away and really take in my surroundings I’m able to put those visuals in my songs. 

Our Getaway was awesome, my favorite part was building a fire and catching up with good friends. I think our stay inspired me to take a writing retreat to unplug and just create for a couple of days. 
You can keep up with Aaron on his Instagram and his website.

In need of your own creative escape? Book your Getaway today.