For Your Free Time

12 Days of Disconnection: Day 4

These days we are all addicted to our phones. It seems that only after we set our phones down and decide not to touch them do we realize how often we reach for them—and how much time we have when we aren’t busy scrolling through our social feeds. For a tip to help you keep an eye on your device use, here’s Day 4 of our 12 Days of Disconnection.

Take a Digital Break

Observing a digital sabbath is a great way to make disconnecting a regular part of your week. Pick one day that works best for you, and shut your phone and other devices totally off when you wake up in the morning—or better yet—before you go to bed the night before. Take this day to focus on reflecting, getting things done, or exploring your city or town—the only rule is that you can’t turn your phone back on.

You’ll notice how you’ll reach for it, and how you might want to check certain social media platforms, or keep up to date with those you follow who create content each day. Resist these urges, and within a couple of hours, you’ll find a sense of freedom.

This day is a great time to spend time with your family or friends, to cook yourself a few nice meals, to journal or read, or simply do nothing at all. It may end up being one of the best days of your week.

By doing this regularly, you can also be much more mindful the next day when you pick up your phone once again. Hopefully, throughout the week, you’ll notice what moments lead you to pick up your phone the most, and you can pause before making a conscious choice to use or not use your phone.

As 2020 approaches, making a goal to be more disconnected from the internet, social media, and your devices, and more connected to yourself, your loved ones, and your passions is a sure way to find more fulfillment and joy in the coming year.

Looking for a whole weekend of disconnection to get your New Year off to a great start? Book a Getaway today.