For Your Free Time

12 Days of Disconnection: Day 3

Disconnection is something that should become a habit for each of us. It can seem impossible when important emails are constantly coming into your inbox, or when your schedule is packed with events and meetings, but any time you can make for yourself will make a world of difference. It’s all about making the time by making intentional choices about how you want to spend the time that you do have. Here’s Day 3 of our 12 Days of Disconnection.

Swap Screens for Books

For many people, turning on the TV once they return home from work has become a habit to help them recharge from the day. It turns out though, that this habit is one that many people would rather shake, as it distracts them from using their time with more intention.

One great habit to switch watching TV out for is reading. While both activities let you fall into stories, learn something new, and relax, reading has distinct cognitive benefits. Reading can strengthen your focus and attention, reduce stress, improve your memory, and expand your vocabulary. Not to mention, you have an amazing sense of accomplishment after finishing a book, that beats that pesky notification of “are you still watching this?” by a mile.

Depending on the books you choose to read, developing this habit could be one that supports a multitude of other changes you may like to make in your life as well. Although, the best way to approach reading is the way that a child might—for pure enjoyment. By disconnecting from the TV screen, you can reconnect to the child within you that would stay up too late turning page after page to find out what happened next. And by reconnecting to one thing you used to love, you’re bound to reconnect to others as well—and soon you’ll find a renewed sense of vitality, and more motivation to live more mindfully.

Need a new read? Check out our reading lists of great novels, collections, and nonfiction books to find something that may pique your interest. You can also check out How to Getaway: Finding Balance in Our Overworked, Overcrowded, Always-On World written by our founders Jon Staff and Pete Davis.

Here’s to more time unplugged this holiday season.